Saturday, August 15, 2009

Aquaulture - report

China has produced the most aquatic products in the world for 20 consecutive years, accounting for 70 percent of the world's total output of aquatic products.

In 1990, China became the first country in the world to have a higher cultivated aquatic product output than caught aquatic product output.

Water-saving, efficient, ecological and healthy cultivation modes have become China's mainstream aquaculture.

Data shows that in 2008, China's per capita amount of aquatic products stood at 36 kg, 1.6 times higher than the world average.

In 2008, China's fishery output value accounted for about 10 percent of its total farming output value, there were 14.54 million personnel engaged in fishery, and the per capita income of fishermen stood at 7,575 yuan, over 2,000 yuan higher than that of farmers.

At present, China owns nearly 1,500 deep-sea fishing boats, which operate in the international waters of the three oceans and waters administrated by 32 countries. China has become one of the world's main deep-sea fishery countries.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sharing Experience in Aquaculture and Aquaponic

This will be very useful to all those involved in Aquaculture and Aquaponic activities to expose their success stories and also to share the failure and to disscuss various issues related to it.

The world is going to face a bad situation in food production and security. It has been noticed that people are going to fight for water and food in near future, as we have already witnessed it last year in some part of the world.

However, there is definitely solution for this and it is necessary to integrate various food production activities and maximum utilization of inputs.

Also a regionwise self sufficiency in its own food preference is the need of the day. By this way, shortage of food and exchange and export of excess food could be done.