Tuesday, February 25, 2014

GIFT Tilapia experimental culture in Cement Tanks completed and report based on the 3 months study submitted. The culture expt. will continue in the Matsyafed Palaikkari farm at Vaikkom, Kottayam district in Cages. At the same time arrangements are being made with RGCA to start GIFT tilapia seed production. For GIFT seeds, please book in the Veliancode hatchery in advance, for this contact Manager.
ORNAMENTAL fish such as selected Guppies, Mollies (Black, White and Orange), Red Sword Tail etc are being produced in the Matsyafed Veliancode Hatchery. Brood Ornamental fish as mentioned above will be available.

The Tiger Prawn seed (Monodon seed) production is continuing.

Manager 9526041084, hatcheryvel@yahoo.com